Mudras are part of Yoga Shastra. It helps mainly to get rid of our body uneasiness, Thyroid, headache, B.P., Constipation and so many other problems.
Our body is made up of Pancha Boodam or Five Elements of Nature. With different combinations of these five elements through finger positions we can achieve desired results. The fingers and related elements are:
Thump Finger - Fire element
Index Finger – Air element
Middle Finger – Space element
Ring Finger – Earth Element
Little Finger – Water Element
Mudra is thus science of hand and finger postures. It can help to cure bodily ailments in a wonderful manner. It affects the body's energetic system and the flow of prana (life energy) within it. It actually helps in balancing the five elements (panch-tattvas) in the human system to their optimal levels.
Our body is made up of Pancha Boodam or Five Elements of Nature. With different combinations of these five elements through finger positions we can achieve desired results. The fingers and related elements are:
Thump Finger - Fire element
Index Finger – Air element
Middle Finger – Space element
Ring Finger – Earth Element
Little Finger – Water Element
Mudra is thus science of hand and finger postures. It can help to cure bodily ailments in a wonderful manner. It affects the body's energetic system and the flow of prana (life energy) within it. It actually helps in balancing the five elements (panch-tattvas) in the human system to their optimal levels.
One should practise mudras in sitting postures either in meditation pose or sitting on chair keeping the back straight.
One should not practise mudra full stomach.
One should discontinue the mudra incase of uneasiness or pain in any part of the body.
It is important to know the benefits & contraindications of the mudra before you adopt it.
It is very important to press the right points when taking the hand in mudra. For example in Gyan Mudra one should press the thumb with the index finger at the point when pulsation like the heartbeat is felt and in case of Varun Mudra press the triangular tip of the little finger with the triangular tip of the thumb. If pressed near the nail it lead to dehydration else it helps in balancing and activating the water element in the body.
For optimum benefits practise mudra with both hands.
It is important to be regular and consistent in practicing to yield permanent results.
Do not continue practising the same mudra after achieving results.
One should practise spiritual & healing mudras for 45 minutes to have victory over the mudra or one may practice in many times a day prolonging the time period of holding every time.