Mudras are said to awaken the Kundalini energy wich is sleeping inside our body. This is the most important of all Mudras therefore it is called Maha Mudra. The Sanskrit word Maha means great hence Maha Mudra is also called Great Gesture. It is great in the sense of its effects. This Mudra combines the practice of Moola Bandha, Shambhavi and Khechari Mudras simultaneously. It also employees all three bandhas, or energetic locks in order to direct prana in the body. These three bandhas are Moola Bandha at the level of the first chakra, Muladahara, or root chakra. Second is Uddiyana Bandha, at the level of the belly or solar plexus or Manipurna chakra. Third is Jalandara Bandha or chin lock at the level of Vissudhi chakra or the throat chakra. This Mudra is not a practice for beginners.
Simply sit on the floor in an upright posture. Come into Janu Sirs Asana as a preparation for the final pose.
Keep your left leg straight, rooting the heel on the floor.
Bend your right knee and guide the sole of the foot into the root of the left thigh.
Sitting on your hips, extend the arms overhead.
Maha Mudra |
Engage Moola Bandha by lifting the pelvic floor until you feel a small tug at the bottom of the pelvis. Remain for 5 to 8 breaths. Repeat to the second side.
Rest for a while and move into Janu Sirs Asana by extending the left leg straight and bending the right knee and lifting the hips, slide your right foot underneath you, so the sole of the foot faces the ceiling.
Place the right heel under you so that it presses on the area between the perineum and the genitals.
Set your hips down on top of the foot. Engage Moola Bandha and remain for 5 to 8 breaths. Repeat to the second side.
Now sit in Sukh Asana by sitting in a comfortable, cross-legged seated position. You will now engage all three energetic locks before moving into the final pose.
Place your palms on your legs. Lift the pelvic floor and now inhale and hollow out the belly and gently draw the belly completely flat against the spine.
Lift the head and draw the chin in towards the throat as if you were lifting up the inner corners of each ear. The belly is in Uddiyana Bandha and the lift of the head is in Jalandara Bandha. Remain for 5 to 8 breaths.
Exhale slowly and release all three bandhas.
Moving into the Maha Mudra, come into Janu Sirs Asana, with one leg extended straight and the other foot placed under the body, so the heel is pressing in the area between the perineum and the genitals.
Inhale and engage Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Jalandara Bandha. Softly hold the breath for a count of four, exhale through the nose for a count of four and hold out the breath for a count of four.
Inhale slowly and take several recovery breaths. Repeat to the other side too and then take rest.
This Mudra cures consumption, hemorrhoids or piles, enlargement of spleen, indigestion, chronic gastritis, leprosy, constipation, fever and all other diseases.
It improves life and confers great capacities on the practitioners.
The attitude while practicing Maha Mudra should be to fully devote all of your memories, experiences, thoughts, emotions and activities to the Almighty.
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