Showing posts with label Asana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asana. Show all posts

Thursday, October 21, 2021


Thursday, October 21, 2021 0

 Asanas are yoga postures. Asanas are the exercises performed by holding body in a particular posture. Yoga practice consists of performing these asanas which generate flexibility, strength, energy and youth. 

Asanas or yoga postures also provide positions for practicing paranayams, mudras, sutras, dhauthis etc. Each of these yoga types are practice in a particular asana.

Various branches of yoga like hatha yoga, raja yoga, kundlini yoga, tantric yoga etc. have their respective asanas.

Yoga asanas are the basis framework on which the whole structure of yoga is built. For each type and branch of Yoga different asanas are practiced.   


Thursday, October 21, 2021 1
This is the most comfortable pose for the beginners or the elderly person, so the name Sukhasan or the easy pose. In this pose sit erect and cross your legs in a way that none of the legs are kept over the other. The heel of one leg comes in alignment with the heel of another and the knees are wide open.


Take a cushion; sit on the angle of the cushion.

Stretch both the legs in front.

Sukh Asana
Now, fold any one leg (preferably left) and keep it in the center (heel close to the center of body).

Fold the other leg so that heel comes in alignment to the heel in center.

Adjust, to make the spine straight to feel the curve of spine.

Keep the hands on the knees either in mudra or with palms facing up.


Excellent as a beginners pose to open up the major joints of the body.

Puts minimum tension on the muscular system & skeleton framework, so due to less pressure the circulation in the lower limbs is not hampered due to the weight of the body.

Checks the loss of prana as the 3 organs of action (both legs & excretory organs) are blocked.


Thursday, October 21, 2021 1
This pose is also called the Zen Pose as they rarely utilize any other posture. It is also known as The Kneeling Pose/ the Firm Pose/ the Diamond Pose. The pose is so named as it releases the life current suddenly from base of the spine to the top of head.


Vajra Asana
Fold the legs with top of foot flat on floor.

Keep the big toe over each other & roll the heels out.

Keep the knees & thighs together.

Keep the spine erect & chin parallel to the floor.

Keep the hands on the knees in mudra or with palms facing down.

Feel the curve of lower back to cross check the posture.

Do not sit for long stretches initially as it might hyper extend the muscles and joints of knee and ankles.

Do not sit over heels as it might lead to constipation or piles.

Always use a cushion incase of stiffness felt.

Keep a cushion under the knee to avoid strain.

Sit with the lower limbs out and the knees & thighs together.

Keep a cushion under the ankle joint in order to release tension (from the joint).

The weight of the body on the feet drives out old blood & pumps fresh blood in.

According to reflexology, one get all the acupressure points on the feet to keep one healthy & fit, by sending nerve current to the corresponding organ, stimulating and relaxing it.

It also helps in digestion process by releasing the pressure from the abdominal organ and giving them a good internal massage.

Helps in keeping the diaphragms free, making the breath easy & light.

Helps in attaining a quiet state of mind & elevating the spirits by awakening the dormant energy.


Helps in increasing the efficiency of the digestive & excretory system.

Regulates the air imbalance (vata) in the body.

Tones the thighs, hips, spine & abdomen and reduces fat from hips and thighs.

Makes the posture correct and spine straight.

Allows full expansion and contraction of lung & rib cage. Does not put any pressure on lungs.

Good exercise for the knees & ankle joints to reduce their stiffness increases the mobility & the flexibility of these joints.

Tones up the reproductive system & organs.

Checks the loss of bladder control.

Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, flatulence, gastric troubles, flabby thighs & abdomen, poor posture, hypo activity of excretory and reproductive organs, asthma, bronchitis, constipation, depression, lethargy, piles.

Increases the focus and concentration as the spine is straight and nerve current flows straight up in it energizing the Chakras & activating the nervous system.

Keeps you alert and in a good pose to keep the mind calm in meditation.

Remove lethargy and sluggishness.


Allows the prana to flow freely from mooladhara Chakra to ajna Chakra as the body assumes perfect posture (through reproductive and excretory organs).
Regulates the inflow & outflow of prana and Apaan vaayu.

Activates the solar plexus and Manipur Chakra.


Thursday, October 21, 2021 0
The siddh Asana is one of the finest meditative poses adapted by most of the sages or seers, named after them. The Siddh Asana is also called Adept Pose. The adept is one who has attained proficiency in the control of mind and awakening of the dormant nerve current in the body. It is also known as the perfect pose or the sage pose. It is comparatively easier pose to adopt - since there is no locking of legs, which cannot be sustained by many people for long.


Siddh Asana
Take a cushion and sit on the angle of the cushion.

Stretch both the legs straight and together.

Now, fold one leg from the knee and keep the heel under the perineum (soft under part of the pubis, between anus and scortum).

Fold the other leg over the joint of the opposite thigh.

Adjust to keep the spine straight and both the knees touch the floor.

Keep the hands on the knees in mudra and eyes closed.

The masculine position of this pose is with the right foot on the top.

The feminine position of this pose is with the left foot on the top.


The steadier the pose, the more you will be able to concentrate and make the mind one pointed so adept pose helps to keep the mind steady.

Does not block off as much blood flow to the leg which might otherwise lead to numbness and pain in lower limbs.

Does not irritate the sciatic nerve which runs from the pubic region down the thigh to the leg.

This pose gives stability to the body and mind.

It also de-stresses the nervous system and calms the mind.

Regular practice of this pose causes the dream state to become exceptionally clear.


Thursday, October 21, 2021 2
It is the most significant of all the meditative poses and also regarded to as the symbol of yoga. "Padma" means "Lotus" which has a mystical significance. Firstly, the lotus grows in muddy water and in spite of being there, it maintain its poise beauty & grace which relate to the human race in a way that - staying in this world of "Illusion" or "Maya" detach from it & live in the inner world of peace & joy. Secondly, the lotus flower guided by the wind moves freely over the water yet is deeply rooted at the base of the pond. This symbolizes the growth with a strong base.


Take a cushion (preferably) and sit on the angle of the cushion.

Stretch the legs straight in front.

Padma Asana
Take hold of the right foot with both the hands.

Fold the right leg at the knee & place it at the heel at the joint of the left thigh.

Fold the left leg at the knee using both hands and place the heel at the joint of right thigh.

Keep the spine straight & chin parallel to floor.

Let both the knees touch the floor.

Keep the hands in between the heels in the Dhyana mudra.

Half Lotus or Ardha padmasan where you fold and keep any one leg at the joint of thigh and the other leg is folded comfortably on floor.

Baddha Padmasan or Locked Lotus where you catch hold of the big toe with opposite hand by crossing them from the back.


Tones & stimulates the nerves of the lower back.
Increases the flexibility of the spine & strengthens the base.

Stimulates the excretory system.

Regulates the function of the endocrine glands by maintaining their level of secretion of hormones.

Regulates & calms down the breath making an apt pose for meditation & Pranayama.

Closes the mooladhara, swadhisthana & Manipur Chakra making it easy for the vital energy to pierce & rise above to the highest abode.

Induces a feeling of detachment & calms the mind.

Balances the life current i.e. the Ida & Pingala to regulate the body temperature with alternate hot & cold current.
Help in maintaining the weight and metabolic rate of the body.


Thursday, October 21, 2021 0
The Ardha Paschimottan Asana or Janushir Asana or Half Forward Bend Asana is excellent in massaging the kidneys, pancreas, and liver and opening up the rib cage. In this Asana, bent leg gives support while the second leg is stretched by the weight of upper body, bending gives stretch to the sides of body.

You may try different variation like beginners may perform Ardha Paschimottan Asana by folding one leg and forward bending advanced students may join the hands in Namaskar or cross hands around foot or hold the big toe trying to touch the elbows to floor. Cervical patients are warned not to drop head down but keep looking up.


Ardha Paschimottan Asana
Take a deep breath in and fold left foot to the base of the thighs. Keep the right leg in alignment of ear.

Stretch your arms up to the ceiling.

Bend forward while breathing out to reach the toes.

Ardha Paschimottan Asana
Again take a deep breath in and while breathing out stretch further forward try to catch hold of the foot from little toe side and drop yo head down trying to touch head to knee.

Make sure knees are pressed to the floor and right foot is on the center of the heel.

Breathe in and lift you head and body up stretching your arm up - spread them by your side and bring them down and open up the left leg straight.

Repeat the same on other side.

Fold the right leg at the base of left thigh and repeat the same.

Duration is 10 seconds to 1 minute on each side.

Not to be done in pregnancy, cervical, lumbago, frozen hip joints.

Cervical patients may look up instead of dropping the head down.

You may hold ankles instead of foot incase of poor flexibility.

In case of good flexibility you may try to cross arms around ankle joint in Namaskar or touch the elbow down or hold foot from both sides.

Keep the folded knee on the floor.

Keep the stretched leg straight and knee locked.

Do not round the spine and over stretch to reach the hand to foot.

Try to bend from lower back.

Keep the body weight balanced on both hips.


Apart from the benefit of Poorna Paschimottan Asana it opens up the pelvic girdle and hamstring.

It gives support to the spine to stretch further up.

It relieves the sciatica nerve and activates the solar plexus.

It increase blood circulation in hip joint, spine and head.

Alternately it contracts and stretches the abdominal organs and nervous system.


Thursday, October 21, 2021 0
The Ardha Upavista Kon Asana or Side Way Stretch give required twist to body. The lateral sides of body are responsible for the opening of the rib cage and giving more space for the lungs to expand. It gives a good shape to the torso and also mobilizes the fat on the sides of the body.

Ardha Upavista Kon Asana

Take a deep breath in breathe out.
Now fold your right leg at the back of left thigh.

Stretch your left leg back at the ear level.
Gently twist your spine towards the left foot.

Stretch your arms forward towards the foot trying to embrace your foot with your palms, pulling the toes towards yourself.
Gently bend down trying to bend your head to the knee.

Push the right knee down left leg straight knee logged feet the stretch on the entire right side of the body.
Gently lift your head up and arm up. Come straight up.

Now change the side. Open up the right leg.
Fold the left leg at base of right thigh & keep on pushing the right leg back at the ear level and repeat the same on other side.

Make sure you do not twist the spine as you bend.
Knees are on the floor all the time.

Shoulders should be relaxed.
Duration 30 seconds to 1 minute

Avoid in Spinal injury and spondilytis.

Gives an excellent stretch to the lateral sides of the body.

Good expansion of rib cage, increase lung capacity.
Mobilize the fat deposits on the sides of the body.

Strengthen the pelvic region & stretches the hamstrings.
Massages the kidney, pancreas, spleen and liver.

Kidney malfunctioning, releasing compression of rib cage, diabetes, lymph drainage.
Makes the mind stable and relaxed.

Allow the prana to travel up in the higher astral centers.
Activates the vayan vaayu.

Opens up the Anahata and mooladhara chakra.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Wednesday, October 20, 2021 0
Baddha Kon Asana also known as Bhadra Asana or Cobbler Pose is an excellent pose for opening up the hip joint, working on inner thighs and loosening up the hamstrings.


Bhadra Asana
Join the foot soles in namaskar.

Interlock the fingers around the foot.

Keep the back straight.

Flap the knees up and down flattering like a butterfly 30-40 times quickly.
Take a deep breath and fold your elbow at the crease of the knees.

Looking up, keeping back straight bend down from lower back.

Breathe out and now push the knees down with the help of elbows.
Bhadra Asana

Slowly come up and breathe out.
Duration is 10 seconds to 1 minute.

No forward bending for the lumbago or cervical patients.

As you join the foot soles keep them pressed tightly throughout the Asanaa practice.

In the forward bend variations, bend from lower back and avoid rounding of back.

Do not hold tension in shoulder & jaws.

Butterfly, pad mastak Baddha kon Asana, pad Angushtha Mastak Bhadrasana and Vistrita Padhasta Baddha Kon Asana are variations of this Asana.

To get maximum benefit out of this Asana you may bend forward towards the foot trying to touch the head to foot in pad mastak Baddha kon Asanaa, folding the elbows either out on floor or keeping at the crease of the knee for Pad mastak Angushtha Bhadra Asana.

Cervical patients may avoid the forward bend version.

It is an excellent Asana for people with stiff/ frozen hip joints or arthritis.

One more balancing variation of this Asana is Vistrita Pad Santulana Kon Asana which basically works on the posture, activate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and relieve the compression of lower back vertebra. To perform this Asana hold the foot by the side of left toe and lift foot up and balance in wide “V” on the tailbone. Care is to be taken to keep back straight, chest cavity pushed out, knees locked and chin up. Make sure you keep yourself focused all the time to seek balance and benefit yourself with increased concentration and musculo-skeletal coordination. Slowly join the foot soles in namaskar in air and bring the foot down on floor.


It opens up the hip and knee joint.

It reduces the lumbo-sacral compression.

It stretches and tones the hamstrings .

It gives good posterior stretch to the body.
This Asana massages the abdominal organs and reproductive system.

Confidence, alertness, memory, will power are some attributes as a complementary benefits of this Asana.

It activates the mooladhara and swadhisthana chakra.

With the spark of prana and Apaan vaayu life phosphorus or energy is formed/ released in the higher psychic centers.

Balances the functioning of Ida and Pingala, the moon and sun channels.

It relieves the joint stiffness of hips, lumbago-sacral region and knees, menstruation disorder, diabetes, blood pressure, dyspepsia, flatulence, increasing vitality, kindles gastric fire, checks postures.

The forward bending variation of this Asanaa alleviates the energy levels of the body by opening up the blockages and ensuring the triangular flow of prana in entire .


Wednesday, October 20, 2021 0
Bhoo Naman Asana is alaos known as Yoga Mudra. Bhoo means Earth or Floor and Naman means To Surrender. This Asana aims at opening up the compression of the lower back vertebra.


Sit cross legged as you do in Sukh Asana or Vajra Asana.
Keep back straight.

Bhoo Naman Asana
Join the hands in namaskar at your back side with palms together facing up, thumb crossed or hold the elbows to each other or keep your hands by the sides of the body.

Take a deep breath in and breathe out gently bend down with straight back.

Keep on coming down bending from the lower back trying to touch your chin to the floor.

Push your shoulders back slowly come up after sometime.

Release your hands and lift your head straight.

Bhoo Naman Asana
Duration 10 seconds to 1 minute

Obese people can rest the head on a cushion in case it does not touch the floor.

Do not put much weight on the head.

Try to bend down from lower back so that there is no rounding of the back.

Avoid in Cervical and pregnancy.

Perform in vajrasan, padmasan or sitting on chair touch head to knees.

It increases the blood supply to head, mental nerve and sensory organs.

This Asana relieves mental sluggishness.

It Stretches the whole spine makes it supple and elastic.

It also checks the loss of prana from reproductive organs.

It eliminates the weakness of intestines and stomach.

It stimulates gastric fire.

it Cures cnstipation, hyperactivity of liver and pancreas, diabetes, cold, gas trouble, loss of appetite, white discharge (leucorrhea), insomnia, asthma, dysentery and indigestion.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021 0
Bhujang Asana or Cobra Pose is excellent for people with hunched back, cervical, spondilytis, shaping up the shoulders and strengthening the arms. Shoulders and upper back are the 2 major parts of the body which mark the posture of a person. Posture correction and strengthening the two muscle group is one of the primary benefits of the Bhujang Asana.

Bhujang Asana

Keep both the hands by the side of the chest with palms down.
Raise the elbows up like a grasshopper.

Try to bring them closer, with forehead on floor.
Now slowly as you breathe in, lift head, nose, chin, neck and chest cavity off the mat or floor rolling back like a mattress till the navel is on the floor.

While breathing out come down vertebra by vertebra from navel to forehead.
Bhujang Asana
Duration should be 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Do not raise body above navel.
Keep the palms exactly under the shoulders.

Push your hearts out as you curl back.
Not to be performed in menstruation, pregnancy, ulcer, colitis, diarrhea, dysentery, tennis elbow, weak wrist.

Variations of the Asana is Sanp Asana/ Snake Pose in which head is raised up with elbow straight.
Interlock fingers at the base of spine and lift the head up (tennis elbow).

Supporting the lower back with palm down and lift head up (lumbago).
Lift your head and torso up till navel and coming on palms with elbow straight in Sarp Asana.
Another variation is King Cobra Asana - Folding the legs and curling head back to touch them to each other.BENEFITS

It corrects the bad effects of poor posture of the upper back.
It is excellent pose for dealing with cervical spondilytis.
It builds up and tones the muscles of shoulders, neck and upper back.
It increases lung capacity by opening up the rib cage and allowing lungs to expand and contract to maximum.
It brings luster and shine to the face.

It regulates the metabolic rate of the body and digestion process.
It strengthens the arms.

This Asana massages the liver, pancreas, stomach and gall bladder.
It increases the flow of blood and oxygen to brain, mental nerves and capillaries.

During this Asana nerve current flows freely from nerve ending to spine and vice versa.
It sharpens the memory and increases the efficacy of sensory organs to perceive things better and passing on the filtered information to brain to act and react.

During this Asana the vital current flows from mooladhara to Manipur and settles here slowly, directing it towards the head to energize, harmonize and stabilize the ajna chakra.
It regulates the Samaan, Apaan and prana vayu.

It opens up the Anahata and vishuddha chakra.
It cures cervical, poor posture, asthma, bronchitis, decreasing rounding of the shoulders, diabetes, blood pressure, sluggish liver and intestines.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021 0
Danda Asana
Danda means Stick. Danda Asana aims at giving the right posture to the backbone. In this Asana you sit up with legs stretched and joined together and hands by the side of body to have a good body posture.


Sit straight with both legs stretched.

Keep your hands either crossed or by the sides or on the knees with palms down.

Keep the legs together.

Balance the weight of the body on both hips.

Keep the chin parallel to the floor and shoulders relaxed.

Be careful that spinal cord in not buried under the seat muscles.

Put thighs, knees, ankles and big toe together.

Be careful that back is not hunched, shoulder should be relaxed.

Make sure that weight is on the hip bone and not on muscles.

Duration is 10 seconds to 1 minute.

A variation of this Asana is sitting on chair by lifting the legs straight up against gravity and staying there. Keep the legs together by pressing the sides of thighs with hands.

Another variation is sitting by the back support with wall to keep spine straight.


It gives posture correction.

It tones up the abdominal and thigh muscles.

It massages and tones the reproductive and excretory system.

This Asana works on the pelvic region and strengthens the hip joints.

It tones up the prolapsed abdomen and prolapsed uterus.

It improves balance.

It makes the mental faculties alert.

It activates the Samaan Vaayu and maintains Vyana Vaayu and Apaan Vaayu.

It checks the loss of prana through excretory and reproductive organs by balancing the Apaan Vaayu.

It pushes prana in Sushmana Nadhi through natural Moolabandha i. e. anal lock.

It activates the Mooldhara Chakra and Swadhisthana Chakra which gives a sense of balance and security to the performer.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021 0
Dhanur Asana or Bow Pose is one of the finest Asana to activate lymph glands, mobilize the fat around waist line, hips and thighs, bring flexibility to the spine and massage all the internal abdominal organs.
Dhanur Asana
Fold both the legs one by one and catch hold of the respective ankles with the hands, keeping the forehead on floor.
Slowly lift and contract the shoulders back.
Lift your head up, knee and thighs off the floor, heels away from the hips and toes pointing up.
Open up the body to the maximum you can.
Look up all the time.
To release the pose, bring the knees and thighs together, heels close to the hips, forehead down to the floor.
Bring the ankles together one by one.
Finally, release the ankles one by one and stretch the legs straight down.
The same pose can be transformed into Rocking Bow by pushing the body up and down on the abdomen and into to Rolling Bow by rolling from side to side without keeping the knees and thighs on the floor looking up, turning your head towards the leg up in air.
Beginners or people with comparatively less flexible bodies can perform the variation called Ardha Dhanur Asana.
Fold and hold one leg at a time and lift the whole body off the floor.
Stretch both the arms forward.
Fold only one leg, catching hold of the ankle with the same or the opposite hand.
Slowly lift the whole body off the floor.
Balance on navel and open up the folded leg.
Keep heels away from the hips.
To relax release the grip of the ankles.
Keep the knees and thighs on the floor.
Try to lift your knees and thighs higher than your chest cavity.
Hold the leg from the ankle making a firm grip to avoid hurting yourself.
Do not move your neck on either side while in pose.
Relax for a while after performing this Asanaa.
Do not overstretch your thighs, shoulders or abdomen and overstrain your spine.
Duration is 10 seconds to 1 minute.
For more benefits roll from side to side without keeping the knee and thigh on floor.
Rock up and down massaging the abdomen length wise.
Avoid during indigestion, high Blood Pressure, weak or stiff shoulder joints and spine, stone in kidneys and gall bladder or bypass surgery.

It gives full anterior stretch to the body from chin to knee.
It opens up the rib cage to the maximum, increase the lung capacity.
It allows lymphatic drainage by activating lymph glands and nodes.
It increases the immunity and resistance of the body to withstand abnormal conditions.
It brings good flexibility to the ligament and spinal cord by making it supple, elastic and flexible.
It reduces cervical tension, thoracic, lumbar and sacral tensions.
It tones the respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine, exocrine and reproductive system.
It remove the unwanted fat from the body.
It channelize the heart vessels and lungs.
It channels the nerve current to entire spinal cord and brain boosting up the thinking process, clarity of thoughts, enhancing memory, decreasing tension and distressing.
It directs the flow of prana from all over the body to Manipur Chakra or solar plexus.
It activates all the Six Chakras of the body as you roll and rock in this pose.
It also cures weak digestion, flabby abdomen, hips and thigh, weak immunity and poor resistance of body, hypo activity of abdominal organs, diabetes, prolapsed abdomen, menstrual disorders.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021 0
Nauka in Sanskrit means Boat. In this Asana final pose resembles a Boat hence called Nauka Asana. In this Asana double leg vibrations signify the vibrations felt in the whole body owing to the work out. These vibrations help in increasing blood circulation and tone up the abdominal and lower back muscle group. In this Asana four stages leads to Nauka or Boat shape. Keep the back straight, in all four stages, shoulders relaxed, chest cavity pushed out and legs together.

Take a deep breath in and fold both the legs together on the floor and breath out keeping the hands crossed and back straight.
Nauka Asana

Lift both the legs a little from the floor and balance.
Stretch your arms towards the toe, lift your leg further up, so, that you can see you big toe, keep the back straight push the chest cavity out.
Stretch both the legs straight in air, and keep you arm stretched to your toe. Allow the body to vibrate.
Duration is 10 seconds to 1 minute in each pose
In variation of this Asana sit on chair or stool, holding it by the sides or in car taking support or crossing arms.
In another variation lying down, in last position lift the upper body up. In case of obese persons you may hold the legs by the sides or at the back of thighs to balance.
You may do all the 4 stages individually in case of beginners or obese persons.
Keep the point of balance same in all 4 stages.
Do not haunch your back/clench jaws.
Let the abdominal and back muscles work to hold the posture &the shoulder, thigh muscles relaxed.
Try to keep the body as close to legs as possible.
Avoid in post delivery, after 4 months of pregnancy, menstruation and spinal injury.


It tones and strengthens up the back, abdominal and lower limbs.

It gives good massage to all abdominal organs.

It gives mobility to hip, knees, shoulders and elbows joints.

It corrects posture.

It activates blood circulation in and around the abdomen lower limbs and spinal cord.

It trims the waist line and reduces extra fat around the pelvic region.

It activates the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.

It attunes the physical body to the mental body by increasing the alertness.

It invokes a balanced state of mind.

It helps in maintaining the tranquil and calm state of mind.

This Asana activates the flow of prana to the abdomen and lower limbs.

It also Energizes the Manipur Chakra by activating the Samaan vaayu.

Redirect the flow of vital energy to the solar and sacral plexus.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021 0
Gomukh means head of a cow. In this Asana body takes shape of a cow head hence called Gomukh Asana. This Asana the potential to help cervical, diabetic, blood pressure and obese patients. This also promotes flexibility to the joints and checks the loss of prana from the body.
Gomukh Asana


Sit with legs stretched straight.
Fold the right leg at the base of left hip and left leg over the right thigh.
Point both the feet sideways like the ears of cow.
Keep the knees over each other like the jaws of cow.
Make sure you sit on both the hips. Now stretch the right hand up overhead close to ear and fold it back.
Take the left hand from down folding it at your back trying to catch hold of hand to hand.
Look up over head and stay, breathing normally.
Repeat the same on the other side to complete one cycle of this Asana.
Duration is from 30 seconds to 1 minute
Avoid in frozen hip and shoulder.


It strengthens and tones the muscles of the body especially thighs, buttocks, calves, arms, spine and shoulders.
It massages the abdominal organs and tones up the reproductive organs.
It induces mental peace by stimulating the blood circulation to the brain and activating the nervous system.
It checks the loss of prana.
It also relieves the blockage of prana from the pelvic and pectoral girdles i.e. shoulders and hips region.
It energizes the solar plexus or Manipur Chakra.
It regulates the Samaan and vayan vaayu.
It cures waste of semen, dyspepsia, indigestion, white discharge, lumbago, insomnia, cardiac trouble, asthma, dysentery, cervical and obesity.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021 0
Kaag Asana or Baaka Asana or Crow Pose is one of the finest Asana in the series of balancing poses, where you balance the weight of the body on the arm and wrist. This Asanaa is contraindicated especially in cases of weak wrists, tennis elbow, frozen shoulders or any arm joint deformity and high blood pressure.

Kaag Asana

Sit in utkat Asanaa on the toes with feet apart.
Keep your hands on the floor in between the legs with fingers wide open and turn your hands a little inside.
Make sure the elbow touches the crease of the knee, above the knee.
Keep your eyes fixed at a point ahead of your hands, bringing all the body weight slowly on the arms.
Keeping balance, lift the legs upon by one pointing the toes back trying to touch the big toe to each other.
Beginners may keep a cushion in front of the head to avoid the hurt on forehead or face as you topple while balancing. So that you protect your head as you might get unbalanced as beginners.
Release the hands and do rotate the wrist joint to relax the muscles around It.
Practice to balance on palms gradually.
Do not try to seek balance in first attempt.

Keep your eyes fixed at one point as you slowly raise the feet off the floor.
Keep the finger wide open.
Duration is from 10 seconds to 1 minute
Not to be done in case of high blood pressure, osteoporosis, shoulder stiffness and depression.

It strengthens the wrist joint and tones up the arms, shoulder and chest cavity.
It increases the lung capacity and gives internal massage to abdominal organs increasing their capacity to work more efficiently in coordination with other systems.
It increases the supply of blood to the torso and head with the pull of gravity thereby increasing the memory, concentration, alertness.
It increases the flow of prana/ current to vishuddha, Anahata and ajna chakra
It increases the balancing ability of the body by strengthening the skeleton framework of the body.
It strengthens the wrist joints, sluggish digestion, piles, asthma, and poor concentration and focusing ability, hyperactivity, short temperament.


Wednesday, October 20, 2021 0
Vistrita Pada Asana or Vistrita Pada Bhoomi Naman Asana or Spread Leg Pose is one of the finest Asanas to increase flexibility of spine and opening up major joints like hips and shoulders joints.


Vistrita Pad Asana

Sit straight with legs stretched.Breathe in and start spreading the legs apart to the maximum you can and breathe out.

With every exhalation try to stretch a little more and stay there.Keep on breathing in the stretch.

Keep the foot straight on the heels.Do not round your spine, keep the back straight.

Always bend from lower back.One of its variation is Bhoo naman Vistrita Pad hast Angushtha Asana.

Catch hold of big toe with respective hand, lying down and performing the same Supt Vistrita pad Asana.Another variation is Vistrita Pad Paschimottan Asana meant to increase the flexibility of lower back by stretching the arm up overhead. Bend from lower back down to floor. Walk the palms away from yourself. Keep on bending down in Asana stay for as long as possible.

Duration is from 10 seconds to 1 minute


It opens up the hamstring and hip joints and nullifies the bad effects of poor posture.It regulates and harmonize the functioning of the excretory and reproductive organs.

It stretches, tones and increases the flexibility of the spine making it supple and elastic.It is excellent in pregnancy to prepare the body for delivery and easy labor.

It massages the abdominal organs and expands the rib cage.It prepars the body for padmasan and advanced Asanas.

It cures indigestion, asthma, constipation, menstruation and cramps.