The Ardha Paschimottan Asana or Janushir Asana or Half Forward Bend Asana is excellent in massaging the kidneys, pancreas, and liver and opening up the rib cage. In this Asana, bent leg gives support while the second leg is stretched by the weight of upper body, bending gives stretch to the sides of body.
You may try different variation like beginners may perform Ardha Paschimottan Asana by folding one leg and forward bending advanced students may join the hands in Namaskar or cross hands around foot or hold the big toe trying to touch the elbows to floor. Cervical patients are warned not to drop head down but keep looking up.
Ardha Paschimottan Asana |
Take a deep breath in and fold left foot to the base of the thighs. Keep the right leg in alignment of ear.
Stretch your arms up to the ceiling.
Bend forward while breathing out to reach the toes.
Ardha Paschimottan Asana |
Again take a deep breath in and while breathing out stretch further forward try to catch hold of the foot from little toe side and drop yo head down trying to touch head to knee.
Make sure knees are pressed to the floor and right foot is on the center of the heel.
Breathe in and lift you head and body up stretching your arm up - spread them by your side and bring them down and open up the left leg straight.
Repeat the same on other side.
Fold the right leg at the base of left thigh and repeat the same.
Duration is 10 seconds to 1 minute on each side.
Not to be done in pregnancy, cervical, lumbago, frozen hip joints.
Cervical patients may look up instead of dropping the head down.
You may hold ankles instead of foot incase of poor flexibility.
In case of good flexibility you may try to cross arms around ankle joint in Namaskar or touch the elbow down or hold foot from both sides.
Keep the folded knee on the floor.
Keep the stretched leg straight and knee locked.
Do not round the spine and over stretch to reach the hand to foot.
Try to bend from lower back.
Keep the body weight balanced on both hips.
Apart from the benefit of Poorna Paschimottan Asana it opens up the pelvic girdle and hamstring.
It gives support to the spine to stretch further up.
It relieves the sciatica nerve and activates the solar plexus.
It increase blood circulation in hip joint, spine and head.
Alternately it contracts and stretches the abdominal organs and nervous system.
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