This pose is also called the Zen Pose as they rarely utilize any other posture. It is also known as The Kneeling Pose/ the Firm Pose/ the Diamond Pose. The pose is so named as it releases the life current suddenly from base of the spine to the top of head.
Vajra Asana |
Fold the legs with top of foot flat on floor.
Keep the big toe over each other & roll the heels out.
Keep the knees & thighs together.
Keep the spine erect & chin parallel to the floor.
Keep the hands on the knees in mudra or with palms facing down.
Feel the curve of lower back to cross check the posture.
Do not sit for long stretches initially as it might hyper extend the muscles and joints of knee and ankles.
Do not sit over heels as it might lead to constipation or piles.
Always use a cushion incase of stiffness felt.
Keep a cushion under the knee to avoid strain.
Sit with the lower limbs out and the knees & thighs together.
Keep a cushion under the ankle joint in order to release tension (from the joint).
The weight of the body on the feet drives out old blood & pumps fresh blood in.
According to reflexology, one get all the acupressure points on the feet to keep one healthy & fit, by sending nerve current to the corresponding organ, stimulating and relaxing it.
It also helps in digestion process by releasing the pressure from the abdominal organ and giving them a good internal massage.
Helps in keeping the diaphragms free, making the breath easy & light.
Helps in attaining a quiet state of mind & elevating the spirits by awakening the dormant energy.
Helps in increasing the efficiency of the digestive & excretory system.
Regulates the air imbalance (vata) in the body.
Tones the thighs, hips, spine & abdomen and reduces fat from hips and thighs.
Makes the posture correct and spine straight.
Allows full expansion and contraction of lung & rib cage. Does not put any pressure on lungs.
Good exercise for the knees & ankle joints to reduce their stiffness increases the mobility & the flexibility of these joints.
Tones up the reproductive system & organs.
Checks the loss of bladder control.
Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, flatulence, gastric troubles, flabby thighs & abdomen, poor posture, hypo activity of excretory and reproductive organs, asthma, bronchitis, constipation, depression, lethargy, piles.
Increases the focus and concentration as the spine is straight and nerve current flows straight up in it energizing the Chakras & activating the nervous system.
Keeps you alert and in a good pose to keep the mind calm in meditation.
Remove lethargy and sluggishness.
Allows the prana to flow freely from mooladhara Chakra to ajna Chakra as the body assumes perfect posture (through reproductive and excretory organs).
Regulates the inflow & outflow of prana and Apaan vaayu.
Activates the solar plexus and Manipur Chakra.
Great post about Vajrasana. Keep good writing.