Baddha Kon Asana also known as Bhadra Asana or Cobbler Pose is an excellent pose for opening up the hip joint, working on inner thighs and loosening up the hamstrings.
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Bhadra Asana |
Join the foot soles in namaskar.
Interlock the fingers around the foot.
Keep the back straight.
Flap the knees up and down flattering like a butterfly 30-40 times quickly.
Flap the knees up and down flattering like a butterfly 30-40 times quickly.
Take a deep breath and fold your elbow at the crease of the knees.
Looking up, keeping back straight bend down from lower back.
Breathe out and now push the knees down with the help of elbows.
Looking up, keeping back straight bend down from lower back.
Breathe out and now push the knees down with the help of elbows.
Duration is 10 seconds to 1 minute.
No forward bending for the lumbago or cervical patients.
As you join the foot soles keep them pressed tightly throughout the Asanaa practice.
In the forward bend variations, bend from lower back and avoid rounding of back.
Do not hold tension in shoulder & jaws.
Butterfly, pad mastak Baddha kon Asana, pad Angushtha Mastak Bhadrasana and Vistrita Padhasta Baddha Kon Asana are variations of this Asana.
To get maximum benefit out of this Asana you may bend forward towards the foot trying to touch the head to foot in pad mastak Baddha kon Asanaa, folding the elbows either out on floor or keeping at the crease of the knee for Pad mastak Angushtha Bhadra Asana.
Cervical patients may avoid the forward bend version.
It is an excellent Asana for people with stiff/ frozen hip joints or arthritis.
One more balancing variation of this Asana is Vistrita Pad Santulana Kon Asana which basically works on the posture, activate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and relieve the compression of lower back vertebra. To perform this Asana hold the foot by the side of left toe and lift foot up and balance in wide “V” on the tailbone. Care is to be taken to keep back straight, chest cavity pushed out, knees locked and chin up. Make sure you keep yourself focused all the time to seek balance and benefit yourself with increased concentration and musculo-skeletal coordination. Slowly join the foot soles in namaskar in air and bring the foot down on floor.
No forward bending for the lumbago or cervical patients.
As you join the foot soles keep them pressed tightly throughout the Asanaa practice.
In the forward bend variations, bend from lower back and avoid rounding of back.
Do not hold tension in shoulder & jaws.
Butterfly, pad mastak Baddha kon Asana, pad Angushtha Mastak Bhadrasana and Vistrita Padhasta Baddha Kon Asana are variations of this Asana.
To get maximum benefit out of this Asana you may bend forward towards the foot trying to touch the head to foot in pad mastak Baddha kon Asanaa, folding the elbows either out on floor or keeping at the crease of the knee for Pad mastak Angushtha Bhadra Asana.
Cervical patients may avoid the forward bend version.
It is an excellent Asana for people with stiff/ frozen hip joints or arthritis.
One more balancing variation of this Asana is Vistrita Pad Santulana Kon Asana which basically works on the posture, activate the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and relieve the compression of lower back vertebra. To perform this Asana hold the foot by the side of left toe and lift foot up and balance in wide “V” on the tailbone. Care is to be taken to keep back straight, chest cavity pushed out, knees locked and chin up. Make sure you keep yourself focused all the time to seek balance and benefit yourself with increased concentration and musculo-skeletal coordination. Slowly join the foot soles in namaskar in air and bring the foot down on floor.
It opens up the hip and knee joint.
It reduces the lumbo-sacral compression.
It stretches and tones the hamstrings .
It opens up the hip and knee joint.
It reduces the lumbo-sacral compression.
It stretches and tones the hamstrings .
It gives good posterior stretch to the body.
This Asana massages the abdominal organs and reproductive system.
Confidence, alertness, memory, will power are some attributes as a complementary benefits of this Asana.
With the spark of prana and Apaan vaayu life phosphorus or energy is formed/ released in the higher psychic centers.
Balances the functioning of Ida and Pingala, the moon and sun channels.
It relieves the joint stiffness of hips, lumbago-sacral region and knees, menstruation disorder, diabetes, blood pressure, dyspepsia, flatulence, increasing vitality, kindles gastric fire, checks postures.
The forward bending variation of this Asanaa alleviates the energy levels of the body by opening up the blockages and ensuring the triangular flow of prana in entire .It activates the mooladhara and swadhisthana chakra.
With the spark of prana and Apaan vaayu life phosphorus or energy is formed/ released in the higher psychic centers.
Balances the functioning of Ida and Pingala, the moon and sun channels.
It relieves the joint stiffness of hips, lumbago-sacral region and knees, menstruation disorder, diabetes, blood pressure, dyspepsia, flatulence, increasing vitality, kindles gastric fire, checks postures.