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Danda Asana |
Danda means Stick. Danda Asana aims at giving the right posture to the backbone. In this Asana you sit up with legs stretched and joined together and hands by the side of body to have a good body posture.
Sit straight with both legs stretched.
Keep your hands either crossed or by the sides or on the knees with palms down.
Keep the legs together.
Balance the weight of the body on both hips.
Be careful that spinal cord in not buried under the seat muscles.
Put thighs, knees, ankles and big toe together.
Be careful that back is not hunched, shoulder should be relaxed.
Make sure that weight is on the hip bone and not on muscles.
Duration is 10 seconds to 1 minute.
A variation of this Asana is sitting on chair by lifting the legs straight up against gravity and staying there. Keep the legs together by pressing the sides of thighs with hands.
Another variation is sitting by the back support with wall to keep spine straight.
It gives posture correction.
It tones up the abdominal and thigh muscles.
It massages and tones the reproductive and excretory system.
This Asana works on the pelvic region and strengthens the hip joints.
It tones up the prolapsed abdomen and prolapsed uterus.
It improves balance.
It makes the mental faculties alert.
It activates the Samaan Vaayu and maintains Vyana Vaayu and Apaan Vaayu.
It checks the loss of prana through excretory and reproductive organs by balancing the Apaan Vaayu.
It pushes prana in Sushmana Nadhi through natural Moolabandha i. e. anal lock.
It activates the Mooldhara Chakra and Swadhisthana Chakra which gives a sense of balance and security to the performer.