One of the best balancing Asana is Samyukta Pad Santulana Asana which helps in releasing the blockages of the reproductive organs by activating the endocrine glands responsible for conception and retaining pregnancy or correcting menstruation disorders.
Fold both the legs on floor.
Interlock the fingers under the thighs.
Samyukta Pad Santulana Asana |
Slowly balancing on the tail bone lift the legs up together in air.
Slowly stretch the arms towards the toes.
Stay here balanced till you can.
Slowly fold the legs and come down in danda Asanaa.
Keep the back straight, chest cavity pushed out.
Keep the knees locked, toe and ankle relaxed.
Duration is from 10 seconds to 1 minute
Avoid in Osteoporosis, weak ankle joints, frozen hip or knees and lumbago.
It open up the hip, knee and ankle joints.
It checks the imbalance of hormones and regulate the excretory and reproductive organs functioning.
It makes the spine and ankle strong.
It tones up the inner thighs and lower back muscles.
It helps in hormonal imbalances, stiffness of lower back, pelvic region and ankles.
It regulates the malfunction of the reproductive organs and cures obesity.