Mayur Asana is named so because Mayur means Peacock in Sanskrit. In this Asana holding the ground with both the palms, supporting the corresponding sides of the navel by both the elbows and raising oneself like a horizontal stick, in the air, one has to hold his whole body like a stick on both his elbows and body assume the shape of a Peacock hence it is called Mayur Asana or Peacock Pose.
Sit upright bending the legs backwards to come to Vajra Asana.
Kneel down on the floor, keeping the knees apart.
Mayur Asana |
Keeping the elbow joints close to each other, place the palms on the ground in between the knees, fingers pointing inwards towards the feet.
Bend at the elbow joints, support the body at the Nadhi or navel and place the head down touching the ground.
Stretch the feet back, toes on the ground.
Keeping elbow joints as fulcrum, move forward to raise and balance the body parallel to the ground.
Look forward, forearms slightly inclined to the front.
Stay in the balancing position as far as you can and then slowly return to normal position.
It involves lot of stress and effort hence after performing this Asana relax in Shav Asana for a while.
This posture is very good for the digestive organs. The blood is concentrated and sent to the digestive organs, which also get toned up by the intra-abdominal pressure.
This exercise has a good effect on the expelling action of the colon.
It is very beneficial for obesity, piles, and constipation.
It develops the chest.
The exercise is very regenerative and quite stimulating.
It check aging process all over the body.