Fish Pose or Matsya Asana is the finest way to release the muscles of the neck, reduce the rounding of shoulder and activate the parathyroid glands and also opening up the chest cavity, This Asana is excellent for people with bronchial spasms, asthma, blockage in lungs etc.
Lie down on your back on the mat.
Slide the hands with palms down under the thighs.
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Matsya Asana |
Keeping legs together, lift your head up and look on to your toes.
Keep on coming up till the weight comes on the elbows.
Walk the elbows closer.
Curl head back on floor, pushing the heart up, shoulder away from the ears and legs relaxed.
Stay in the position for sometime and take few deep and long breaths.
Slowly come back by lifting head up- looking at your toes and slide down on the mat.
Release the hands.
Move your neck from side to side 4-5 times.
Duration is from 10 to 30 seconds.
Do not tense the shoulder, jaws, forehead, eyes, thighs, calves, ankles or toes.
Maximum focus on opening up the rib cage.
Do not put weight of the body on head or legs.
A variation of this Asana is Advanced Fish Pose - keeping a bolster under the upper back and dropping the head back on the floor.
It removes stiffness of the cervical, thoracic and and lumbar region and and increase the flow of nerve current to them.
It reduces the rounding of the shoulders and and massages the shoulder and neck.
It increase the capacity of the lungs, thereby releasing the bronchial spasms, blockages and and the releasing asthma and and other respiratory problems.
It energizes the parathyroid, pituitary and pineal glands.
It relieves stress and and mental agitation, regulates the abnormal moods and and negative emotions, thoughts, insecurity etc.
It increase flow of prana to neck, shoulder region.
It removes the Pranic blockage from the lungs, stomach and and neck.
It balances the Udaan Vaayu and and Vyan Vaayu.
It activates the Vishuddha and and Anahata Chakra and and energize the Ajna Chakra.
It cures bronchial spasms, asthma, respiratory problems, stiffness of neck and and shoulder, malfunctioning of parathyroid glands, balancing and amp; regulating the absorption of calcium in the body.