Salamba Sirs Asana pronounced as sah-lom-bah shear-shaws-annah is called the king of Yoga Asanas. In Sanskrit Salamba means with support, Sirsa means head and asana means Pose. It is an advanced Yoga Asana involving few risks but immense benefits. If you can learn to perform this accurately then you can do almost all the other Asanas easily. In ancient Yoga literature this Asana has also named as Viparitakarni Asana.
Salambasirs Asana |
This Asana is one of the major poses in yoga. It is necessary to build the muscles in the spine and neck before attempting this Asana.
A recommended sequence of Asanas begins with Adho Mukha Svan Asana or downward facing dog pose, Uttan Asana with head support standing forward bend pose, short Adho Mukha Virks Asana or handstand pose as preparation for Salamba Sirs Asana or supported headstand pose.
Salambasirs Asana |
For a good headstand one must understand the art of simple standing in which body is balanced on two legs. In this Asana you have to balance body on head, hands and arms.
The hands and arms can be used in a number of different ways to support this Asana.
This Asana can be entered from a number of different poses like The Child Pose, The Cat Tilt and Downward Facing Dog Pose.
From the Child Pose clasp the hands together interlocking the fingers. Keep the elbows shoulder width apart if possible.
Salambasirs Asana |
Place the top of the head on the mat and the back of the head against the clasped fingers.
Straighten the legs raising the tailbone upwards.
Walk the legs forward and bend the knees into the chest.
Lean the tailbone beyond the shoulders and the legs will rise without much effort. This however may strain the neck so be aware.
Another good way to do the headstand is to come to your hands and knees with the wrists underneath the shoulders and the knees underneath the hips.
Bring your elbows to the floor forearm's distance apart.
Interlace your fingers, tucking the outermost pinky underneath.
Place the crown of your head on the floor cupped by your interlaced fingers.
Salambasirs Asana |
Place the top of the head on front of them making a perfect triangle with the position of the hands and the head.
The elbows are off the mat and arms bent at 90 degrees angle.
Walk the legs forward letting the tailbone pass the vertical alignment of the shoulders and bend or keep the legs straight as you rise.
You may want the legs parallel. To achieve this internal rotation is applied to both legs and the legs are slightly rotated out. This allows the heels to touch and also creates a better lock called Mula Bandha. This occurs when all the pelvic muscles tighten inward.
Bring the hips up as if coming into Downward Facing Dog Pose.
Kick up one leg and then the other.
Press down strongly into your forearms to keep all your weight from coming into your neck and head.
Reach up through the balls of your feet and rotate the thigh bones inward slightly. Hold for at least 10 breaths.
This is high risk yoga Asana hence utmost care should be taken to perform it. First through other Asanas build up your spine strength in back bends especially the ones where the head is also used.
Beginners should practice the pose at the wall. Try to move further from the wall each time. Try removing one foot and then the other from the wall to practice balancing.
The advanced level practitioners may try these variations: Bring both legs up at the same time keeping them straight. Lower down the same way, holding the pose with the legs at 90 degrees. Bring the legs into a lotus position. Release your interlaced fingers and bring the forearms flat on the floor. Lift your head off the floor coming into forearm stand.
This Asana calms down the mind.
It strengthens the arms, legs and spine.
It improves balance.
It improves circulation, is good for digestion, improves concentration and prepares the mind for meditation.
This Asana also tones and strengthens the entire body and brings a feeling of well being to the practitioner.
By turning the body upside down, any fluid that is retained in the feet is able to drain (edema) and it is also good for reducing varicose veins.
Inverting gives the heart a chance not work quite so hard, allowing the heart rate to slow.
This Asana provides pure blood to brain which is the controlling authority of whole body.
This Asana prevents diseases of eye, ear and nose.
Pineal gland and pitutary glands are activated due to this Asana.
This Asana also helps in increasing memory. It provides sharpness and increases concentration of mind.
It is also helpful in ailments like inflammation of intestine called colitis, hernia and even varicose veins.
It is very much effective in constipation and liver disorders as it activates digestive system.
It activates thyroid glands thus prevents hypothyroidism and helps in curbing obesity and menstrual irregularities in women.
In men it cures certain ailments like male impotence and infertility and also helps in maintaining celibacy.
Beauty conscious persons should always perform this yoga exercise as it increases the glow and vitality of the face and skin and also prevents hair fall and premature grey hair.
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