Hatha Yoga is the path of Physical Yoga or Yoga of Postures. It is the most popular branch of Yoga. Hatha Yoga considers body as the vehicle for the soul. It uses Physical Poses or Asanas, Breathing Techniques or Pranayama and Meditation in order to bring the body in perfect health and bring freedom for the mind and soul. The practice of Hatha Yoga will ultimately result into union of body and soul thus making the body perfect and full of life force.
Hath is combination of "Ha” or the sun and “Tha" or the moon. The sun and moon indicates the two opposite currents that regulate all processes in our body. There is nothing mysterious in this theory because everything in our universe exists with two currents charges i.e. a positive and a negative charge.
Initial effects of Hatha Yoga are usually improved health and strengthened nervous system. With practice Hatha Yogis may even demonstrate control over internal organs, blood flow and breathing. The experts in Hatha Yoga can even stop their breathing and halt heart beat completely for a considerable period of time. These demonstrations have been made under observation by medical experts.
Components of Hatha Yoga are:
1) Asanas or postures,
2) Dhauti and shodhana or cleansing practices,
3) Pranayama or breath control,
4) Bandha or locks which temporarily restrict flows of prana,
5) Mudras or hand gestures which regulate the flow of prana and purify inner and outer body.
Bhakti Yoga or Yoga of Devotion is the path of heart purification. Yogis who practice Bhakti Yoga purifies himself of all ills and evils. This purification leads him to develop love, acceptance and tolerance for all human beings. Bhaki Yoga teaches a person to have devotion to God and all things through devotion to life and love.
Raja means royal and Raja Yoga is also called the Crown or King of Yoga. Raja Yoga adds concentration after body and mind are cleaned and trained to stay
calm and attentive. The improvement in our power of concentration, as a result of Raja Yoga, moves all our attention towards our inner self. Raja Yoga believes that the universe exists for the inner self, giving the self an illusion of centrality which results to self respect and respect for all other creatures. Raja Yoga is a complete system in itself.
Raja Yoga is also referred to as Ashtanga Yoga because of the eight limbs on which its system depends. These eight limbs are as follows:
1) YAMA: means restraint. There are 5 sub divisions in this category i.e. harmlessness, truthfulness, non-stealing, control of senses and satisfaction.
2) NIYAMA: means observance. There are 5 sub divisions in this category i.e. cleanliness, purification of body, mind and nervous system, study of metaphysical principles & belief in God.
3) ASANA: means seat or postures for achieving sound body.
4) PRANAYAMA: means mastering life force or breath control.
5) PRATYAHARA: means withdrawal. The practice of withdrawing consciousness from the physical senses first, such as not hearing noise while meditating, then progressively receding from emotions, intellect and eventually from individual consciousness itself.
6) DHARANA: means concentration or focusing mind on a single object or line of thought, not allowing it to wander. The guiding of the flow of consciousness. When concentration is sustained for long and deeply enough then meditation naturally follows.
7) DHYANA: means meditation. A quiet, alert, powerfully concentrated state wherein new knowledge and insight pour into the field of consciousness. This state is possible once the subconscious mind has been cleared or quieted.
8) SAMADHI: means Ecstasy or standing within one's self with sameness and contemplation. It is the state of true yoga, in which the meditator and the object of meditation are one.
Janana Yoga is the path of Yoga that deals with wisdom and knowledge. It is the Yoga of mind. Jnana Yogis pays tribute to man's intelligence. They try to surpass limitations by unifying intellect and wisdom. Jnana Yoga tries to obtain existence beyond doctrine and ideological controversies by accepting all other philosophies and religions. It also uses an open, rational and curious mind in studying the spirit.
Karma Yoga believes that your present situation is based on your past actions. Karma Yoga is the path of service and it refers to the energy of action. This path requires you to be selfless. Performing a selfless service is the essence of Karma Yoga. It consciously chooses a future that is free from negativity and selfishness. Karma Yoga practices try to change your actions towards the good - good words, good thoughts and good deeds in order to change your soul. By being selfless, you change your consciousness which leads to a change in your destiny.
Tantric Yoga is perhaps the most misunderstood branch of Yog
a. Some may think of it as sorcery, witchcraft, magic spell or some mysterious formula. Most people perceive Tantric Yoga as sex Yoga. All of these perceptions are far from truth. It aims to expand our awareness in all states - whether awake or asleep. Tantric Yoga practitioners must have purity, humility, devotion, courage, dedication to love, faithfulness, contentment, dispassion, non-covetousness and truthfulness.
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