Breathing is the source of life. This is the basic reason why Ancient Yogis developed different Breathing Techniques, from Basic to Advanced Breathing Exercises. These Breathing Techniques for Pranayama are designed to allow free flow of energy in the body and to purify the body's energy channels called nadhis. The practice of Pranayama also ensures that every cell in the body receives oxygen and nutrients. Surya Bheda is one the advanced breathing exercises. Surya means sun and refers to the right nostril which is the path of the Pingala Nadhi. When you inhale solely through right nostril then heat is generated in the body and the impurities that blocks the flow of Prana are dispelled.
Surya Bhedana refers to the Breathing Exercise in which you inhale through the right nostril or Pingala Nadhi and exhale through the left or Ida Nadhi, holding the inhaled breath as long as possible before exhaling.
Surya Bhedana Pranayama |
Beginners may use their fingers in order to close either nostril although eventually one should develop an ability to do this without using the fingers.
Press the index and middle finger of the right hand against the palm of that hand
Use the thumb to close the right nostril and the ring and little fingers to close the left nostril.
If you are left handed you may reverse this procedure.
When both nostrils are open, the fingers rest on the bridge of the nose.
You may start your practice by repeating Surya Bhedana ten times and slowly increase it upto forty.
It generates heat in the body.
It cures deficiency of Prana in the body which is the vital force of life.
It cures colds cause by lack of heat in the body.
It dispels the impurities that blocks the flow of Prana or vital force of life.